Amendement Hazekamp: konijnentransport moet zoveel mogelijk beperkt worden omdat hitte, kou, uitputting, uitdroging, pijn en angst tijdens het transport het welzijn van konijnen aantast
Amendment 14
Stefan Eck, Anja Hazekamp, Estefanía Torres Martínez, Luke Ming Flanagan
Motion for a resolution
Minimum Standards for the Protection of Farm Rabbits
PE587.419 - 2016/2077(INI)
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12
Motion for a resolution
12. Points out that transport is an extremely stressful experience for rabbits; underlines that rabbits should be fed before transport and be provided with adequate food, water and space in transit, and that transport times should be as limited as possible, owing to the sensitivity of the species; emphasises that there are a huge variety of stress factors that affect animal welfare and that these differ between regions or even farms;
12. Points out that transport is an extremely stressful experience for rabbits; underlines that rabbits should be fed and watered before transport and be provided with adequate food, water and space in transit, and that transport times should be as limited as possible, owing to the sensitivity of the species; emphasises that there are a huge variety of stress factors that affect animal welfare and that these differ between regions or even farms; such as heat, inanition, dehydration, pain and trauma, cold, motion sickness and fear;
Lees onze andere moties
Amendement Hazekamp: het welzijn van konijnen tijdens transport is afhankelijk van het gedrag en de procedures van boeren, vervoerders en slachthuispersoneel
Lees verderAmendement Hazekamp: bemoedigt verder onderzoek naar de voordelen van alternatieve huisvestingssystemen voor konijnen
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