Amen­dement Hazekamp: bemoedigt verder onderzoek naar de voordelen van alter­na­tieve huis­ves­tings­sys­temen voor konijnen

15 september 2016

Amendment 13

Stefan Eck, Anja Hazekamp, Estefanía Torres Martínez, Luke Ming Flanagan

Motion for a resolution

Minimum Standards for the Protection of Farm Rabbits
PE587.419 - 2016/2077(INI)

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution

10. Underlines that growing rabbits and does kept in pen systems, typically 750 cm²/rabbit for growers and 800 cm²/rabbit for does, benefit from more space for movement, social interaction and play, and that platforms in pen systems allow rabbits to avoid aggressors by getting out of the way, with separate housing for does when they are nursing a litter;


10. Underlines that growing rabbits and does kept in pen systems, typically 750 cm²/rabbit for growers and 800 cm²/rabbit for does, benefit from more space for movement, social interaction and play, and that platforms in pen systems allow rabbits to avoid aggressors by getting out of the way, with separate housing for does when they are nursing a litter; Encourages therefore also further research into the benefits of alternative housing systems, such as for example pen systems;




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