Amendement Hazekamp: in 2005 is al geconcludeerd dat ziekte- en sterftecijfers onder konijnen aanzienlijker hoger ligt dan bij andere dieren
Amendment 12
Stefan Eck, Anja Hazekamp, Estefanía Torres Martínez, Luke Ming Flanagan
Motion for a resolution
Minimum Standards for the Protection of Farm Rabbits
PE587.419 - 2016/2077(INI)
Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6
Motion for a resolution
6. Notes with concern that there is a high rate of disease and mortality amongst caged farm rabbits, compared with other farmed species;
6. Notes with concern that there is a high rate of disease and mortality amongst caged farm rabbits, compared with other farmed species; Points out that EFSA already concluded in 2005 that the mortality and morbidity of farmed rabbits seem considerably higher than in other farmed animal species due to enteric and respiratory infections, and reproductive problems;
Lees onze andere moties
Amendement Hazekamp: bemoedigt verder onderzoek naar de voordelen van alternatieve huisvestingssystemen voor konijnen
Lees verderAmendement Hazekamp: roept de Europese Commissie en de lidstaten op de kwaliteit en veiligheid van geimporteerd konijnenvlees te controleren
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