Bijdrage onder­zoeks­com­missie over dier­trans­porten over de prio­ri­teiten van het Portugees voor­zit­ter­schap met betrekking tot het welzijn van dieren tijdens transport

25 februari 2021

Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Thank you so much, madam Minister. We will now continue with the third round of questions from MEPs, and my name is next on the speakers list. Due to my role as chair during this meeting, I will try to be as brief as possible.

Madam Minister, as already mentioned by some of my colleagues, there are currently two vessels, the Elbeik and Karim Allah, that are stranded at sea with over 2000 animals on board. Both vessels left Spain mid-December for export to Libya two months ago, but were refused entry there due to possible sick animals on board.

Two months already passed and no country seems to be willing to take care of these animals, or feels responsible for them. Meanwhile, the situation on board of these vessels keeps getting worse, as animals are dying of lack of food, water and proper care.

What are your plans during the Portugese Presidency to avoid disasters like this in the future?

And will you, due to another disaster at sea, advise the Member States:

- to develop proper contingency plans;

- and to coordinate the prescription of veterinarians on board of all vessels to allow for immediate treatment;

at least until the EU comes up with a complete export ban to third countries?

Such a ban was also suggested by the Dutch ministry of Agriculture this morning, as this is the only way to end the cruel long distance transport.

Will you support this?

Last year, you had a problem with the vessel Julia LS, that was denied authorization by Portugal but transported animals from Romania anyway.

Will you therefore also actively promote the need for a blacklist during your Presidency, consisting of a list of operators with serious or repeated offences, as already requested by this Parliament in 2019?

I really hope we can count on your commitment to animal welfare during your Presidency.

Thank you.

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