Bijdrage milieucommissie over het arrest van het HvJ in zaak C-162/21 betreffende afwijkingen van het uitdrukkelijke verbod op het in de handel brengen en het gebruik van zaden die zijn behandeld met gewasbeschermingsmiddelen die neonicotinoïden bevatten
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD):
Thank you Chair and thank you Commission.
According to the EU Court of Justice, what is forbidden, is indeed not allowed to be used. Who would have thought right, what a surprise! The ruling of the Court has restored common sense in the pesticide regulation, and now it is high time that we implement this common sense also on the ground. The illegal and very harmful use of highly toxic pesticides needs to stop, today.
The ruling is clear, and it is binding, so how will the Commission ensure that Member States comply with the ruling? Or more specific; what will be the safeguard mechanisms, is the Commission ready to make use of the infringement procedure against Member States that would keep granting derogation to the use of banned pesticides?
It is also clear that the ruling applies to the putting on the market of all pesticides and all applications, not only seed treatments. Miss Bury you told us that the updated guidelines to implement the Court’s ruling will be published by summer? Why does it take so long? Why not publish them by the end of March or April?
All the current derogations of banned and refused pesticides need to stop, now. What is the Commission doing about this, have you already contacted Czechia, Slovakia and Finland about their neonics-derogation and Belgium on their Indoxacarb one?
When it comes to seed treatment with pesticides containing EU-banned substances, the Court states that it is illegal, no matter where these treated seeds will be marketed. Will the Commission make it clear that Member States cannot authorise EU-banned pesticides to treat seeds which will be exported to Third countries as well?
Thank you.
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