Bijdrage mili­eu­com­missie over de “van boer tot bord” strategie voor een eerlijk, gezond en mili­eu­vrien­delijk voed­sel­systeem, tijdens gedach­te­wis­seling met Stella Kyriakides, Euro­com­mis­saris voor gezondheid en voed­sel­vei­ligheid

28 mei 2020

Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Thank you. Welcome, Commissioner.

Thank you for this Farm2Fork Strategy, which is a big step foreword in many areas. The Farm2Fork Strategy is supposed to make Europe the world leader in sustainable food production. Why is the Commissioner funding one of the most climate and animal unfriendly industries in Europe, the life stock meat industry? Billions of euros spent on agricultural subsidies for factory farming are left untouched. Subsidies that prevent farmers from receiving fair prices for fair products, lots of animals pollute our environment and contribute to a huge biodiversity loss. And even the ending of subsidizing meat campaigns has been cancelled at the last point, probably after heavy lobbying from the Italian meat industry and some of their friends in the European Institutions.

Commissioner, how is this possible? I hope you agree that we have to get rid of the ridiculous promotion of meat. I was very pleased to see that at the same time, the Commissioner wants to improve the rules on animal welfare and on animal transport.

Finally, why wait another three and a half years? We need urgent action. Animals are suffering on farms, on trucks, on boats and in slaughterhouses. Please Commissioner, speed up the revision of the animal welfare rules.

Thank you.

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