Bijdrage landbouwcommissie over de landbouwsector na de uitbraak van COVID-19, tijdens een gedachtewisseling met Stella Kyriakides, Eurocommissaris voor gezondheid en voedselveiligheid.
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Dear Commissioner,
Scientists have been warning us for years that intensive livestock farming increases the risk of outbreaks of zoonotic diseases.
This is the time to reduce the number of farmed animals. Due to the Corona-outbreak, the demand for meat and dairy decreased. But farmers continue to breed animals. Leading to a surplus of meat, dairy and young animals. The surplus of Spanish lambs is exported to the Middle East, Irish calves are sent to the Netherlands.
In the meantime, Dutch sows are transported to China to restock the Chinese farms, after hundreds of thousand of pigs were burried alive because of African Swine Fever. Haven’t we learnt anything from our mistakes?
We need breeding restrictions to stop overproduction of meat and dairy. The reduced livestock population will lower the risk of pandemics. And at the same time, it will benefit public health, animal welfare, climate and biodiversity as well. Not only now, but also after the Corona-crisis.
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