Amen­de­menten Hazekamp over de voor­stellen van het Europees Parlement tot wijziging van de verdragen

11 oktober 2022

Draft opinion on the Proposals of the European Parliament for the amendment of the Treaties of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

Amendment 1
Anja Hazekamp

Draft opinion
Recital C a (new)


C a. whereas the Common Agricultural Policy should withhold from promoting practices that have a major impact on climate change and human and animal health and welfare and focus instead on fair and healthy agro-ecological practices that are in line with the planetary boundaries and the Sustainable Development Goals;

Amendment 2
Anja Hazekamp

Draft opinion
Recital C b (new)


C b. whereas animal welfare should not be subordinated to traditions and religious customs;

Amendment 3
Anja Hazekamp

Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 - indent 1 - paragraph 1 - point da a (new)


(da a) to ensure a full and swift transition to agro-ecological, healthy, sustainable and environmentally-friendly agricultural production;

Amendment 4
Anja Hazekamp

Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 - indent 1 - paragraph 1 - point da b (new)


(da b) to ensure that the polluter pays principle is applied throughout the food chain;

Amendment 5
Anja Hazekamp

Draft opinion
Paragraph 2 a (new)


2 a. Proposes that Article 13 TFEU be amended as follows:

Article 13

In formulating and implementing the Union's agriculture, fisheries, transport, internal market, research and technological development and space policies, the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare, behavioural and species-specific requirements of animals. No derogations shall apply.





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