Amen­de­menten Hazekamp over de stand van zaken bij de uitvoering van het gemeen­schap­pelijk visse­rij­beleid en toekomst­per­spec­tieven

11 december 2023

Report on the state of play in the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and future perspectives of the Committee on Fisheries.

Amendment 1

Text proposed by the Commission

82. Calls on the Commission to further increase science-based knowledge on the welfare of farmed aquatic animals and to take this research into consideration in future policy developments in aquaculture; stresses that, any future policy developments should also take practical feasibility into account in aquaculture management and should not add economic and operational burden to operators’ and activities, and should also consider the need to ensure an international level playing field;


82. Calls on the Commission to further increase science-based knowledge on the welfare of farmed aquatic animals and to take this research into consideration in future policy development in fisheries and aquaculture; stresses that, any future policy developments should also take practical feasibility into account in fisheries and aquaculture management and the potential and should not add economic and operational impact burden to operators' and activities, and should also consider the need to ensure an international level playing field.





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