Amen­de­menten Hazekamp over de geavan­ceerde kader­over­een­komst tussen de Europese Unie en haar lidstaten, enerzijds, en de Republiek Chili, ander­zijds 2023/0260R(NLE)

21 februari 2024

Motion for a resolution on the advanced Framework Agreement between the European Union and its Member States, of the one part, and the Republic of Chile, of the other part 2023/0260R(NLE).

Amendment 1
Clare Daly, Mick Wallace, Helmut Scholz, Anja Hazekamp, Manu Pineda

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 43

Motion for a resolution

43. Expects that the provisions on investment liberalisation and investment protection will further boost sustainable investments in both directions by guaranteeing that investors from both sides will be granted fair and non-discriminatory treatment; emphasises that investments require legal security, trust and predictability; stresses that the investment protection provisions are aligned with the EU’s reformed approach on investment protection, which should aim to ensure a proper balance between the protection of investments and governments’ right to regulate in the public interest; recalls that a joint interpretative statement confirms the parties’ understanding that the investment protection provisions are to be be interpreted and applied taking due consideration of their commitments under the Paris Agreement and clarifies that investors should expect that the EU and Chile will adopt measures to combat climate change; notes that the dispute settlement procedures established by the agreement follow the EU’s ICS model, with a permanent, independent and impartial tribunal and an appeal tribunal; highlights the need to implement and further improve the investment protection provisions in accordance with Parliament’s recommendations in its resolution of 23 June 2022 on the future of EU international investment policy;


43. Expects that the provisions on investment liberalisation and investment protection will further boost sustainable investments in both directions by guaranteeing that investors from both sides will be granted fair and non-discriminatory treatment; emphasises that investments require legal security, trust and predictability; stresses that the investment protection provisions are aligned with the EU’s reformed approach on investment protection, which should aim to ensure a proper balance between the protection of investments and governments’ right to regulate in the public interest; recalls that a joint interpretative statement confirms the parties’ understanding that the investment protection provisions are to be be interpreted and applied taking due consideration of their commitments under the Paris Agreement and clarifies that investors should expect that the EU and Chile will adopt measures to combat climate change; notes that the dispute settlement procedures established by the agreement follow the EU’s ICS model, with a permanent, independent and impartial tribunal and an appeal tribunal; highlights the need to implement and further improve the investment protection provisions in accordance with Parliament’s recommendations in its resolution of 23 June 2022 on the future of EU international investment policy; in particular calls on the Commission to exclude the protection of fossil fuels investments and the carving out governments' climate and public interest policies, and to incentivise sustainable investments without relying on investor-state adjudication in this and future investment agreements;

Amendment 2
Clare Daly, Mick Wallace, Helmut Scholz, Anja Hazekamp, Manu Pineda

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 49 a (new)


49 a. considers that several trade and investment protection commitments in this agreement could ultimately threaten efforts to combat global warming, undermine Chile’s industrial development plans, and threaten small and medium-sized farming; calls on the Commission to effectively address these issues in the upcoming review of the agreement; calls on the Commission and Member States to fundamentally review the EU’s trade agenda, and guarantee that future agreements contribute to reducing poverty and inequality, safeguarding workers’ rights, protect small and sustainable farming, improving social security, guaranteeing the democratic rights of indigenous people to their land and delivering on climate justice;





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