Amen­de­menten Hazekamp over de wijziging van Richtlijn (EU) 2018/2001, Veror­dening (EU) 2018/1999 en Richtlijn 98/70/EG wat de bevor­dering van energie uit hernieuwbare bronnen betreft, en tot intrekking van Richtlijn (EU) 2015/652 van de Raad

9 februari 2023

Proposal for a directive on amending Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the promotion of energy from renewable sources, and repealing Council Directive (EU) 2015/652 of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.

Amendment 1
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Recital 36

Text proposed by the Commission

(36) Directive (EU) 2018/2001 strengthened the bioenergy sustainability and greenhouse gas savings framework by setting criteria for all end-use sectors. It set out specific rules for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from forest biomass, requiring the sustainability of harvesting operations and the accounting of land-use change emissions. To achieve an enhanced protection of especially biodiverse and carbon-rich habitats, such as primary forests, highly biodiverse forests, grasslands and peat lands, exclusions and limitations to source forest biomass from those areas should be introduced, in line with the approach for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from agricultural biomass. In addition, the greenhouse gas emission saving criteria should also apply to existing biomass-based installations to ensure that bioenergy production in all such installations leads to greenhouse gas emission reductions compared to energy produced from fossil fuels.


(36) Directive (EU) 2018/2001 strengthened the bioenergy sustainability and greenhouse gas savings framework by setting criteria for all end-use sectors. It set out specific rules for biofuels, bioliquids and biomass fuels produced from forest biomass, requiring the sustainability of harvesting operations and the accounting of land-use change emissions. To achieve an enhanced protection of especially biodiverse and carbon-rich habitats, such as primary forests, highly biodiverse forests, grasslands and peat lands, a ban on the use of
forest biomass from those areas should be introduced. In addition, the greenhouse gas emission saving criteria should also apply to existing biomass-based installations to ensure that bioenergy production in all such installations leads to greenhouse gas emission reductions compared to energy produced from fossil fuels.

Amendment 2
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Article 1 - paragraph 1 - point 2 - point b

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Article 3 - paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission

(i) the use of saw logs, veneer logs, stumps and roots to produce energy.


(i) the use of forest biomass to produce energy.

Amendment 3
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Article 1 - paragraph 1 - point 2 -point b

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Article 3 - paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission

(b) From 31 December 2026, and without prejudice to the obligations in the first sub-paragraph, Member States shall grant no support to the production of electricity from forest biomass in electricity-only-installations, unless such electricity meets at least one of the following conditions:

(i) it is produced in a region identified in a territorial just transition plan approved by the European Commission, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/… of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the Just Transition Fund due to its reliance on solid fossil fuels, and meets the relevant requirements set in Article 29(11);

(ii) it is produced applying Biomass CO2 Capture and Storage and meets the requirements set in Article 29(11), second subparagraph.



Amendment 4
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Article 1 - paragraph 1 - point 2 - point b

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Article 3 - paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission

(i) it is produced in a region identified in a territorial just transition plan approved by the European Commission, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2021/… of the European Parliament and the Council establishing the Just Transition Fund due to its reliance on solid fossil fuels, and meets the relevant requirements set in Article 29(11);



Amendment 5
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Article 1 - paragraph 1 - point 2 - point b

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Article 3 - paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission

(ii) it is produced applying Biomass CO2 Capture and Storage and meets the requirements set in Article 29(11), second subparagraph.



Amendment 6
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Article 1 - paragraph 1 - point 2 - point b

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Article 3 - paragraph 3

Text proposed by the Commission

No later than one year after [the entry into force of this amending Directive], the Commission shall adopt a delegated act in accordance with Article 35 on how to apply the cascading principle for biomass, in particular on how to minimise the use of quality roundwood for energy production, with a focus on support schemes and with due regard to national specificities.


No later than one year after [the entry into force of this amending Directive], the Commission shall adopt a delegated act in accordance with Article 35 on how to apply the cascading principle for biomass, in particular on how to eliminate the use of quality roundwood and food and feed stock for energy production, with a focus on support schemes and with due regard to national specificities.

Amendment 7
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Article 1 - paragraph 1 - point 18 - point e

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Article 29 - paragraph 6 - first subparagraph, point (a), point (iv)

Text proposed by the Commission

(iv) that harvesting is carried out considering maintenance of soil quality and biodiversity with the aim of minimising negative impacts, in a way that avoids harvesting of stumps and roots, degradation of primary forests or their conversion into plantation forests, and harvesting on vulnerable soils; minimises large clear-cuts and ensures locally appropriate thresholds for deadwood extraction and requirements to use logging systems that minimise impacts on soil quality, including soil compaction, and on biodiversity features and habitats:;


(iv) that harvesting is carried out considering maintenance of soil quality and biodiversity with the aim of minimising negative impacts, in a way that avoids harvesting of stumps and roots, degradation of primary forests or their conversion into plantation forests, and harvesting on vulnerable soils; eliminates
clear-cuts and ensures locally appropriate thresholds for deadwood extraction and requirements to use logging systems that minimise impacts on soil quality, including soil compaction, and on biodiversity features and habitats:;

Amendment 8
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Article 1 - paragraph 1 - point 18 - point f

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Article 29 - paragraph 6 - first subparagraph, point (b), point (iv)

Text proposed by the Commission

(iv) that harvesting is carried out considering maintenance of soil quality and biodiversity with the aim of minimising negative impacts, in a way that avoids harvesting of stumps and roots, degradation of primary forests or their conversion into plantation forests, and harvesting on vulnerable soils; minimises large clear-cuts and ensures locally appropriate thresholds for deadwood extraction and requirements to use logging systems that minimise impacts on soil quality, including soil compaction, and on biodiversity features and habitats:;


(iv) that harvesting is carried out considering maintenance of soil quality and biodiversity with the aim of minimising negative impacts, in a way that avoids harvesting of stumps and roots, degradation of primary forests or their conversion into plantation forests, and harvesting on vulnerable soils; eliminates clear-cuts and ensures locally appropriate thresholds for deadwood extraction and requirements to use logging systems that minimise impacts on soil quality, including soil compaction, and on biodiversity features and habitats:;

Amendment 9
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Annex I - paragraph 1 - point 5 - point a

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Annex V - part C

Text proposed by the Commission

6. For the purposes of the calculation referred to in point 1(a), greenhouse gas emissions savings from improved agriculture management, esca, such as shifting to reduced or zero-tillage, improved crop/rotation, the use of cover crops, including crop residue management, and the use of organic soil improver (e.g. compost, manure fermentation digestate), shall be taken into account only if they do not risk to negatively affect biodiversity. Further, solid and verifiable evidence shall be provided that the soil carbon has increased or that it is reasonable to expect to have increased over the period in which the raw materials concerned were cultivated while taking into account the emissions where such practices lead to increased fertiliser and herbicide use37.;

37 Measurements of soil carbon can constitute such evidence, e.g. by a first measurement in advance of the cultivation and subsequent ones at regular intervals several years apart. In such a case, before the second measurement is available, increase in soil carbon would be estimated on the basis of representative experiments or soil models. From the second measurement onwards, the measurements would constitute the basis for determining the existence of an increase in soil carbon and its magnitude.


6. For the purposes of the calculation referred to in point 1(a), greenhouse gas emissions savings from improved agriculture management, esca, such as shifting to reduced or zero-tillage, improved crop/rotation, the use of cover crops, including crop residue management, and the use of organic soil improver (e.g. compost, manure fermentation digestate), shall be taken into account only if they do not risk to negatively affect biodiversity and animal welfare and do not lead to further intensification of agriculture. Further, solid and verifiable evidence shall be provided that the soil carbon has increased or that it is reasonable to expect to have increased over the period in which the raw materials concerned were cultivated while taking into account the emissions where such practices lead to increased fertiliser and herbicide use37.;

37 Measurements of soil carbon can constitute such evidence, e.g. by a first measurement in advance of the cultivation and subsequent ones at regular intervals several years apart. In such a case, before the second measurement is available, increase in soil carbon would be estimated on the basis of representative experiments or soil models. From the second measurement onwards, the measurements would constitute the basis for determining the existence of an increase in soil carbon and its magnitude.

Amendment 10
Anja Hazekamp

Proposal for a directive
Annex I - paragraph 1 - point 6 - point a

Directive (EU) 2018/2001
Annex VI - part B - point 6

Text proposed by the Commission

6. For the purposes of the calculation referred to in point 1(a), greenhouse gas emissions savings from improved agriculture management, esca, such as shifting to reduced or zero-tillage, improved crop/rotation, the use of cover crops, including crop residue management, and the use of organic soil improver (e.g. compost, manure fermentation digestate), shall be taken into account only if they do not risk to negatively affect biodiversity. Further, solid and verifiable evidence shall be provided that the soil carbon has increased or that it is reasonable to expect to have increased over the period in which the raw materials concerned were cultivated while taking into account the emissions where such practices lead to increased fertiliser and herbicide use38.;

38 Measurements of soil carbon can constitute such evidence, e.g. by a first measurement in advance of the cultivation and subsequent ones at regular intervals several years apart. In such a case, before the second measurement is available, increase in soil carbon would be estimated on the basis of representative experiments or soil models. From the second measurement onwards, the measurements would constitute the basis for determining the existence of an increase in soil carbon and its magnitude.


6. For the purposes of the calculation referred to in point 1(a), greenhouse gas emissions savings from improved agriculture management, esca, such as shifting to reduced or zero-tillage, improved crop/rotation, the use of cover crops, including crop residue management, and the use of organic soil improver (e.g. compost, manure fermentation digestate), shall be taken into account only if they do not risk to negatively affect biodiversity and animal welfare and do not lead to further intensification of agriculture. Further, solid and verifiable evidence shall be provided that the soil carbon has increased or that it is reasonable to expect to have increased over the period in which the raw materials concerned were cultivated while taking into account the emissions where such practices lead to increased fertiliser and herbicide use38 .;

38 Measurements of soil carbon can constitute such evidence, e.g. by a first measurement in advance of the cultivation and subsequent ones at regular intervals several years apart. In such a case, before the second measurement is available, increase in soil carbon would be estimated on the basis of representative experiments or soil models. From the second measurement onwards, the measurements would constitute the basis for determining the existence of an increase in soil carbon and its magnitude.





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