Amen­de­menten Hazekamp op ontwerp­advies over kwijting 2020 - Europees Mili­eu­agent­schap

13 juli 2022

Draft opinion on 2020 discharge - European Environment Agency of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.

Amendment 1
Anja Hazekamp

Draft opinion
Paragraph 7 a (new)


7 a. Invites the EEA to investigate possibilities to contribute to the much needed increase in understanding and assessment of the risk posed by emerging diseases, amongst others zoonotic diseases, by contributing their environment-related expertise to expand and complement the existing European One-Health structures which currently lack environmental input1a;

1a Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies Directorate-General for Internal Policies Authors: Jeremy BRICE, Rossella SOLDI, Pablo ALARCON-LOPEZ, Javier GUITIAN, Julian DREWE, Daniela BAEZA BREINBAUER, Francisca TORRES-CORTÉS and Katie WHEELER PE 695.456 – November 2021. The relation between different zoonotic pandemics and the livestock sector





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