Amen­de­menten Hazekamp op ontwerp­advies over het Europees burger­ini­ti­atief 'Stop de Kooien'

3 mei 2021

European Citizens' Initiative "End the Cage Age"
Draft motion for a resolution

Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Amendment 1
Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 a (new)


having regard to Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,

Amendment 2

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 b (new)


– having regard to Council Directive 98/58/EC of 20 July 1998 concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes,

Amendment 3

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 c (new)


– having regard to Council Directive 1999/74/EC of 19 July 1999 laying down minimum standards for the protection of laying hens,

Amendment 4

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 d (new)


having regard to Council Directive 2008/119/EC of 18 December 2008 laying down minimum standards for the protection of calves,

Amendment 5

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 e (new)


having regard to Council Directive 2008/120/EC of 18 December 2008 laying down minimum standards for the protection of pigs,

Amendment 6

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 f (new)


having regard to the European Committee of the Regions’ Opinion on the Common Agricultural Policy, CDR 3637/2018, adopted on 05/12/18,

Amendment 7

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 g (new)


having regard to the European Committee of the Regions’ Opinion on Agro-ecology, CDR 3137/2020, adopted on 05/02/21,

Amendment 8

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 h (new)


having regard to the EFSA Scientific Opinion, Health and welfare of rabbits farmed in different production systems, of 21 November 2019,

Amendment 9

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 i (new)


having regard to European Parliament resolution of 14 March 2017 on minimum standards for the protection of farm rabbits (2016/2077(INI)),

Amendment 10

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 j (new)


having regard to European Parliament resolution of 25 October 2018 on animal welfare, antimicrobial use and the environmental impact of industrial broiler farming ( (2018/2858(RSP)),

Amendment 11

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 k (new)


having regard to the Commission Staff Working Document, Evaluation of the European Union Strategy for the Protection and Welfare of Animals 2012-2015 (SWD(2021) 77 final),

Amendment 12

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 l (new)


having regard to the European Court of Auditors Special Report No 31/2018 on animal welfare in the EU,

Amendment 13

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 m (new)


having regard to the ruling of the WTO Appellate Body in the EC - Seals products case, GATT article XX,

Amendment 14

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 n (new)


having regard to Eurobarometer 442, entitled ‘Attitudes of Europeans towards Animal Welfare’,

Amendment 15

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Citation 3 o (new)


having regard to the EPRS study ‘End the Cage Age: Looking for Alternatives’ from November 2020,

Amendment 16

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital B

Draft motion for a resolution

B. whereas acknowledging the importance of ECI in shaping EU policy initiatives and developments;


B. Whereas acknowledging the importance of ECI in shaping EU policy initiatives and developments, and the lack of action followed by successful European Citizens’ Initiatives in the past;

Amendment 17

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital B a (new)


B a. whereas Article 13 of the TFEU considers animals as sentient beings who are capable of feeling pleasure and pain; therefore EU legislation must ensure that animals are kept in conditions that do not subject them to maltreatment, abuse, pain or suffering;

Amendment 18

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital B b (new)


B b.
whereas the Farm to Fork Strategy recognises the urgent need to improve animal welfare and broaden its scope, highlighting the benefits it brings for animals, food quality, reduction of the need for medication and preservation of biodiversity, and following the latest scientific advice;

Amendment 19

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital B c (new)


B c. whereas a study by the European Parliament’s Research Service commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions entitled ‘End the Cage Age: Looking for Alternatives’ found that cage-free housing systems can be achieved in Europe, recommending financial and policy measures in the short term and legislation in the long term, and confirms that ‘the EU can make sure that animal products that do not comply with EU standards cannot be imported into the EU’;

Amendment 20

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital C

Draft motion for a resolution

C. whereas the subject matter of the proposed citizens' initiative refers to ‘Hundreds of millions of EU farm animals are kept in cages for most of their lives, causing great suffering’;


C. whereas the subject matter of the ECI refers to ‘hundreds of millions of EU farm animals are kept in cages for most of their lives, causing great suffering’;

Amendment 21

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital D

Draft motion for a resolution

D. whereas the objectives of the proposed ECI refer to ‘Cages inflict suffering on enormous numbers of farm animals every year. They are cruel and unnecessary, as higher-welfare cage-free systems are viable’;


D. whereas the objectives of the ECI refer to ‘cages inflict suffering on enormous numbers of farm animals every year. They are cruel and unnecessary, as higher-welfare cage-free systems are viable’;

Amendment 22

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital D a (new)


D a. whereas the ECI “End the cage age” received 1.4 million validated signatures from all EU Member States and is the first valid ECI for farmed animals;

Amendment 23

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital D b (new)


D b. whereas there are over 300 million farmed animals each year caged for part or all of their lives, and there are grave concerns throughout the EU regarding the welfare of animals reared and farmed in cages, as animals are not even able to stand straight, to stretch or to turn around and it is impossible for animals kept in cages to exhibit their natural behaviour;

Amendment 24

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital D c (new)


D c. whereas in the EU nearly 120 million rabbits are commercially farmed, of which almost all of them are confined to cages for their entire lives; whereas in the EU over 350 million laying hens are commercially farmed, of which almost half of them are kept in overcrowded cages with no more space than an A4 sheet of paper; whereas in the EU around 11 million sows have to give birth and suckle their piglets in a cage; whereas in the EU at least 140 million quail are kept in cages in which they are unable to perform basic behaviour; whereas in the EU around 40 million ducks and geese are annually imprisoned in cages during their lives for the production of foie gras; whereas in the EU around 20 million dairy calves are born every year, of which more than half of these are kept in small, individual pens away from their mother;

Amendment 25

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital E

Draft motion for a resolution

E. whereas the shift in housing systems to full cage-free housing systems will require additional investments and lead to an increase in production costs that farmers will have to bear;


E. whereas the shift in housing systems to full cage-free housing systems will require additional investments and lead to an increase in production costs;

Amendment 26

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital F

Draft motion for a resolution

F. whereas before introducing such a substantial shift to fully cage-free housing, the costs of the required transformation both in the short and long term have to be assessed;


F. whereas when introducing such a substantial shift to fully cage-free housing, the costs of the required transformation both in the short and long term have to be assessed;

Amendment 27

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital F a (new)


F a. whereas animal welfare has been included as a specific objective in the Common Agricultural Policy and Member States can therefore make such funding available for the transition away from cages, for example through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development as noted in the Commission’s evaluation of the latest Animal Welfare Strategy, Member States have neglected to take full advantage of these funds for animal welfare purposes, and millions of euros in EU rural development funds available for improving animal welfare are currently unused or poorly used;

Amendment 28

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital G

Draft motion for a resolution
G. whereas to facilitate such a substantial shift, the appropriate financial investment support and compensations for higher productions costs of farmers has to be ensured;



Amendment 29

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Recital H a (new)

H a. whereas alternative systems, e.g. barn, free range and organic systems for hens, floor pens, and outdoor free-range or organic systems for rabbits, indoor and outdoor free-farrowing and group housing systems for sows, barn and aviary systems for quail and group housing systems for calves are commercially viable and already in use;

Amendment 30

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1

Draft motion for a resolution

1. Welcomes the Commission’s ongoing fitness check of the existing EU animal welfare legislation with the results by 2023;


1. Welcomes the Commission’s ongoing Fitness Check of the existing EU animal welfare legislation; calls on the Commission to propose a revision of Council Directive 98/58/EC concerning the protection of animals kept for farming purposes to phase out the use of all cages in EU animal farming by 2027;

Amendment 31

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 a (new)


1 a. Emphasises that animal welfare science vis a vis cage farming systems consistently finds their negative impact on physical and psychological illness and suffering of the animals;

Amendment 32

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1 b (new)


1 b. Stresses the urgent need for EU legislation to end the inhumane practice of keeping and farming animals in cages;

Amendment 33

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2

Draft motion for a resolution

2. Calls on the European Commission to provide a more comprehensive food policy to support the shift towards a more sustainable food system with the appropriate support to farmers;


2. Calls on the European Commission to provide a more comprehensive food policy to support the shift from cage based farming systems towards a sustainable food system with the appropriate support to farmers for the transition to cage-free farming;

Amendment 34

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 a (new)


2 a. Acknowledges that alternatives to cage farming are being successfully implemented in a number of Member States; considers that alternative systems should be developed, improved and encouraged;

Amendment 35

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 b (new)


2 b. Stresses that the market for animal products from cage-free, free range and organic systems, as well as the market for plant-based alternatives, is growing in the EU;

Amendment 36

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 c (new)


2 c. Notes that the EU has pioneered certain bans on cages for farmed animals; namely a partial ban on veal crates in 2007, a ban on the barren battery cages for egg-laying hens in 2012, and a partial ban on the sow stall in 2013 and the prohibition of cages in all organic farming throughout the EU;

Amendment 37

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 2 d (new)


2 d. Recalls that some EU Member States have already adopted national legislation to ban certain forms of caged farming which goes beyond minimum EU standards, increasing the urgency for legislation action at the EU level to end the practice of cage farming and ensuring a level playing field for farmers across the EU;

Amendment 38

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3

Draft motion for a resolution

3. Calls on the Commission to propose legislative instruments on sustainable farming, in particular concerning animal on farms that are currently kept in cages;


3. Calls on the Commission to ban caged farming in the EU and to propose legislation to phase out cages for farmed animals by 2027, in particular, cages for laying hens, rabbits, pullets, broiler breeders, layer breeders, quail, ducks and geese, farrowing crates and sow stalls and individual calf pens;

Amendment 39

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 a (new)


3 a. Calls on the Commission to bring forward proposals to ban the cruel and unnecessary force-feeding of ducks and geese for the production of foie gras;

Amendment 40

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 b (new)


3 b. Emphasizes the aim for reaching and maintaining high standards of hygiene in all farming systems, mainly by means of the development of preventive measures and targeted checks, for which Member States should phase out the use of cage systems across the EU;

Amendment 41

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 c (new)


3 c. Calls on the Commission to continue cooperating with the Member States in order to support the implementation and proper enforcement of legal provisions for the phase-out of all cages in EU animal farming;

Amendment 42

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 d (new)


3 d. Stresses that rabbits are the second most farmed species in the EU in terms of numbers of animals, with a majority of them reared in cages with inadequate welfare standards; calls in this regard on the Commission to propose specific EU legislation on minimum standards for the protection of farmed rabbits;

Amendment 43

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3 e (new)


3 e. Stresses that the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that industrial farming practices, by keeping animals in close proximity to each other, pose a huge risk for the emergence of new pandemics, and is therefore of the opinion that the EU has to stop supporting intensive farming practices such as cage farming systems and should aim at reducing the amount of animals kept in the EU for agricultural purposes;

Amendment 44

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4

Draft motion for a resolution

4. Notes that the Farm to Fork strategy supports a more sustainable animal production and the establishment of shorter circuits of food products;


4. Calls for shorter supply chains in animal and human nutrition, relying on locally or regionally produced protein crops for animal feed and human consumption; notes that the Farm to Fork strategy supports a sustainable animal production and the establishment of shorter supply chains of food products;

Amendment 45

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5

Draft motion for a resolution

5. Calls on the European Commission to step up its work in the area of animal welfare, notably, in the context of the EU’s Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy;


5. Calls on the European Commission to step up its work in the area of animal welfare, notably, in the context of the EU’s Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy, and encourages the Commission to propose an ambitious revision of existing animal welfare legislation, and to introduce new animal welfare legislation for animals currently not adequately covered by species-specific EU legislation;

Amendment 46
Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new)


5 a. Calls on the EU to cease funding promotion campaigns to support animal products, including those from systems that use cages;

Amendment 47
Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 b (new)


5 b. Calls on Member States to assist farmers by providing advice and training, if needed, in order to ease the transition to cage-free systems;

Amendment 48
Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6

Draft motion for a resolution

6. Calls on the European Commission and the Member States to assure that effective controls are performed on the imported products as regards the quality and safety requirements and the EU animal welfare standards;


6. Calls on the European Commission and the Member States to assure that effective controls prevent the import of products that do not meet EU animal welfare standards nor comply with quality and safety requirements in the EU;

Amendment 49
Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)


6 a. Requires that all animal products imported into the EU are produced in full compliance with the relevant EU legislation, including the use of cage-free farming systems;

Amendment 50
Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7

Draft motion for a resolution

7. Urges the Commission to ensure a sufficient transition period for farmers and livestock breeders once a new legal act prohibiting farmed animals in cages is proposed;


7. Urges the Commission to ensure a sufficient transition period for farmers and livestock breeders when a new legal act prohibiting farmed animals in cages is proposed, notably by phasing out cages for farmed animals by 2027;

Amendment 51

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8

Draft motion for a resolution

8. Stresses the importance of supporting farmers, who will move to more sustainable farming, by providing adequate incentives and financial programmes;


8. Stresses the importance of supporting farmers, who will move from caged farming to higher welfare - cage free, organic and sustainable farming by providing adequate incentives and financial programmes;

Amendment 52

Anja Hazekamp
On behalf of the Left

Draft motion for a resolution
Paragraph 8 a (new)


8 a. Asks the Commission to promote animal welfare internationally and to conduct initiatives to increase awareness among non-EU countries, including further mutual assistance and accelerated exchange of information between the competent authorities in all Member States and in Third Countries;





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