Amen­de­menten Hazekamp op het ontwerp­verslag over de EU-biodi­ver­si­teits­stra­tegie voor 2030

25 januari 2021

EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030: Bringing nature back into our lives
Motion for a resolution

PE662.048 - 2020/2273(INI)

Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety

Amendment 1
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Citation 11 a (new)


- having regard to its resolution of 6 July 2016 on Japan’s decision to resume whaling in the 2015-2016 season and to its resolution of 12 September 2017 on whale hunting in Norway,

Amendment 2
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Recital A a (new)


A a. whereas plant- and animal species have an intrinsic value and should be conserved simply because they exist, as they are the product of a long history of continuing evolution by means of ecological processes and have the right to a continued existence; whereas biodiversity and the conservation of species, genetic resources and ecosystems is important for the maintenance of natural ecological processes;

Amendment 3
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution

1. Welcomes the new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and
its level of ambition;


1. Welcomes the new EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 but warns that its level of ambition is insufficient to deal with the current threats and to preserve and restore biodiversity;

Amendment 4
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 3

Motion for a resolution

3. Stresses that the pandemic has demonstrated the importance of the ‘One Health’ principle in policy-making and that transformative changes are needed; calls for an urgent rethinking of how to align the Union’s current policies with the changes needed;


3. Stresses that the pandemic has demonstrated the importance of the ‘One Health’ principle in policy-making and that transformative changes are needed; underlines that adhering to the ‘One Welfare’ framework would further enhance global health and wellbeing; calls for an urgent rethinking of how to align the Union’s current policies with the changes needed;

Amendment 5
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 4

Motion for a resolution

4. Expresses strong support for the targets of protecting at least 30 % of the Union’s marine and terrestrial areas, and of strictly protecting at least 10 % of these areas, including primary and old-growth forests; stresses that these should be binding and implemented by Member States in accordance with science-based criteria and biodiversity needs; underlines that in addition to increasing protected areas, the quality of protected areas should be ensured and clear conservation plans implemented;


4. Expresses strong support for the targets of protecting at least 30 % of the Union’s marine and terrestrial areas, and of strictly protecting at least 10 % of the Union’s marine and terrestrial areas, including primary and old-growth forests, carbon rich ecosystems including coastal and marine ones; stresses that in line with international standards all industrial and extractive activities should be prohibited in protected areas; stresses that these should be binding and implemented by Member States in accordance with science-based criteria and biodiversity needs; calls for more ambitious targets to be set in the medium-long term to ensure that at least 50% of marine and terrestrial areas are protected and to ensure that non-protected areas are ecologically managed, underlines that in addition to increasing protected areas, the quality of protected areas should be ensured, protected areas should be ecologically connected and clear conservation plans implemented;

Amendment 6
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new)


5 a. Recalls that the illegal killing of birds and particularly of migratory species in the Mediterranean, as well as of birds of prey in some Member States, remains a cause for concern; stresses the need for a plan coordinated at European level, on the basis of scientific data, to improve the protection of migratory bird species passing through more than one Member State;

Amendment 7
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6

Motion for a resolution

6. Underlines that the Biodiversity Strategy’s actions must adequately tackle all five main direct drivers of change in nature: changes in land and sea use; direct exploitation of organisms; climate change; pollution; and invasive alien species;


6. Underlines that the Biodiversity Strategy’s actions must adequately tackle all five main direct drivers of change in nature: changes in land and sea use; direct exploitation of organisms; climate change; pollution; and invasive alien species;
recognises the detrimental impacts of industrial animal farming on biodiversity, the environment, climate, animal welfare and human health;

Amendment 8
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)


6a. Considers animal agriculture is one of the key drivers of land-use change worldwide, directly leading to biodiversity loss and climate change and that current European consumption patterns are therefore unsustainable; underlines the need for the further development within the EU of plant protein production and alternative sources of protein for feed and food to address such challenges;

Amendment 9
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 b (new)


6b. Calls on the Commission to step up efforts to promote healthy, sustainable plant-based diets among EU citizens;

Amendment 10
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 c (new)


6c. Stresses that a Common Agricultural Policy that is not in line with the climate and biodiversity goals, the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy, and the Sustainable Development Goals is unacceptable; urges the co-legislators to review their stance on this crucial file and to align the funds, policies and legislation with the targets, goals and ambitions needed to ensure a sustainable food policy;

Amendment 11
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution

7. Highlights that soil biodiversity is the basis for key ecological processes; notes with concern the increased soil degradation and the lack of specific EU legislation; calls on the Commission to submit a legislative proposal for the establishment of a common framework for the protection and sustainable use of soil that includes a specific decontamination target;


7. Highlights that soil biodiversity is the basis for key ecological processes; notes with concern the increased soil degradation and the lack of specific EU legislation; calls on the Commission to submit a legislative proposal for the establishment of a common framework for the protection and sustainable use of soil that includes specific decontamination targets for all relevant contaminants, including PFAS, stresses that authorisation procedures, both on EU and on Member State level, should take soil contamination and pollution accumulation comprehensively into account; regrets the negative impact of intensive animal farming on soil and water pollution;

Amendment 12
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7 a (new)


7 a. Highlights that both intensive animal agriculture and intensive aquaculture impact disproportionately on land-use requirements and terrestrial biodiversity due to their inefficient use of feed, notes that intensive aquaculture has additional impacts on marine biodiversity due to its use of feed including fishmeal and oil and the pollution it causes, calls on the Commission to develop a strategy to substantially reduce consumption of animal products including meat, dairy and fish;

Amendment 13
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 9

Motion for a resolution

9. Calls on the Commission to set specific ambitious targets on urban biodiversity, nature-based solutions and green infrastructure and to develop a Trans-European Network for Green Infrastructure (TEN-G) linked to the Trans-European Nature Network (TEN-N);


9. Calls on the Commission to set specific ambitious targets on urban biodiversity, nature-based solutions and green infrastructure, including binding norms on a minimum amount of square meters of easily accessible green natural spaces per inhabitant -for instance an Urban Green Norm of at least 9m2 per capita and access to green spaces of at least 1 ha within 300 meters of home for all urban population- and to develop a Trans-European Network for Green Infrastructure (TEN-G) linked to the Trans-European Nature Network (TEN-N);

Amendment 14
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 10

Motion for a resolution

10. Expresses its support for the 2030 targets of bringing at least 25 % of agricultural land under organic farm management, which should become the norm in the long term, and ensuring that at least 10 % of agricultural land consists of high-diversity landscape features, which should be implemented at farm level, targets which should both be incorporated into EU legislation; considers it imperative that farmers receive support and training in the transition towards agroecological practices;


10. Expresses its support for the 2030 targets of bringing at least 25 % of agricultural land under organic farm management, which should become the norm in the medium-long term in each Member State, and ensuring that at least 10 % of agricultural land consists of high-diversity landscape features, which should be implemented at farm level, targets which should both be incorporated into EU legislation; considers it imperative that farmers receive support and training in the transition towards agroecological practices, away from monocultures, agriculture dependent on external fossile and chemical input and intensive animal agriculture, and towards sustainable and higher-welfare animal farming practices that can drastically reduce the over-reliance on antimicrobial treatments, and contribute to restoring biodiversity instead of depleting it;

Amendment 15
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11

Motion for a resolution

11. Stresses that all fishing activities must be subject to maximum sustainable yield levels, with zero tolerance of illegal fishing practices and the elimination of by-catches of sensitive species;


11. Stresses that all fishing activities must be subject to maximum sustainable yield levels, with zero tolerance of illegal fishing practices and the elimination of by-catches of sensitive species; calls on the Commission and the Member States to take steps to develop and implement gentler methods of capture, landing and slaughter of fish in order to reduce stress and improve fish quality; notes that allowing fish populations to grow should have the goal of increasing biodiversity, not of increasing human consumption of fish; underlines that the capture of fish to feed carnivorous farmed fish is a driver of marine biodiversity loss as well as a major animal welfare issue, and is therefore a practice that should be ended;

Amendment 16
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)


11 a. Reiterates its call for full implementation of the CFP with the aim of restoring and maintaining fish populations above biomass levels capable of producing MSY;

Amendment 17
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 b (new)


11 b. Calls for a Fisheries Action plan to support productive, resilient fish populations by including precautionary buffers for climate change when setting fishing limits; environmental impact assessments of fishing activities that include considerations such as impacts on the food web, on non-target and associated species, protected species, physical disturbance, and the ecosystem’s capacity to mitigate or adapt to climate change; increased measures to minimise non-target bycatch; a clear and transparent set of environmental and social criteria for allocation of fishing quotas to maximise benefits for the environment and coastal communities; a drastic improvement in the control of fishing activities, including a transition to mandatory remote electronic monitoring systems (REM) for all fleets;

Amendment 18
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 c (new)


11 c. Calls for a strategy for a reduction in the use of fishmeal and fishoil made from purpose-caught wild fish;

Amendment 19
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 d (new)


11 d. Notes the critical importance of whale populations to marine ecosystems and emphasises these cetaceans’ vital role in carbon sequestration and mitigating climate change; call son the EU Member States to urge the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to formally address Norway’s commercial whaling activities, which deplete whale populations; regrets Japan's withdrawal from the IWC and calls on the Commission, the EEAS and Member States to urge Japan to cease its whaling activities;

Amendment 20

Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 e (new)


11 e. Calls on the Faroe Islands to stop its controversial annual hunt on pilot whales, also known as the Grindadràp; Calls on the European Commission and Member States to continuously engage with the Faroe Islands on this issue with a view of abolishing the practice;

Amendment 21
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 f (new)


11 f. Recalls its strong support for the continuation of the global moratorium on commercial whaling and the ban on international commercial trade in whale products; urges Norway and Japan to cease its whaling operations;

Amendment 22
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12

Motion for a resolution

12. Insists that priority for protected areas must be environmental conservation and restoration and that no activity in these areas should undermine this goal; calls on the Commission to avoid future marine renewable energy developments and bottom-trawling fishing within Marine Protected Areas;


12. Insists that priority for protected areas must be environmental conservation and restoration and that no activity in these areas should undermine this goal; calls on the Commission to avoid future marine renewable energy developments and to prohibit bottom-trawling fishing within all European Marine Protected Areas; calls on the Commission to take into account the results of studies showing the detrimental impacts of fishing techniques such as bottom-contacting gear of fish aggregating devices (FAD’s) by prohibiting their use;

Amendment 23
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 a (new)


12 a. Notes with concern the European Environment Agency conclusions that wide spread physical disturbance of the seafloor continues in coastal European waters, in particular, as a result of bottom trawling; calls on the Commission to restrict bottom trawling in nearshore and coastal areas to protect the most productive part of our seas;

Amendment 24
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 15

Motion for a resolution

15. Calls on the Commission to urgently present a proposal for an EU legal framework based on mandatory due diligence that ensures sustainable and deforestation-free value chains;


15. Calls on the Commission to urgently present a proposal for an EU legal framework based on mandatory due diligence that ensures sustainable and deforestation-free value chains, calls on the Commission to rapidly extend the announced legal framework to other materials and products associated with biodiversity loss;

Amendment 25
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 20

Motion for a resolution

20. Calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure that the objectives of the Biodiversity Strategy are fully reflected in the future Zero Pollution Action Plan, which should also address noise and light pollution;


20. Calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure that the objectives of the Biodiversity Strategy are fully reflected in the future Zero Pollution Action Plan, which should also address noise and light pollution including underwater noise from installation of renewable energy, shipping and other maritime activities and make it mandatory to use the best available technologies to reduce these pollutants;

Amendment 26

Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 22

Motion for a resolution

22. Calls on the Commission to ensure effective biodiversity mainstreaming and proofing across EU spending and programmes on the basis of the EU Taxonomy and the ‘do no significant harm’ principle; calls on the Commission to provide a comprehensive assessment of how the EUR 20 billion per year needed for nature could be mobilised, to make corresponding proposals for the Union’s annual budget and to examine the need for a dedicated funding instrument for TEN-N; considers that efforts should be made to reach 10 % annual spending on biodiversity under the multiannual financial framework (MFF) as soon as possible from 2021 onwards;


22. Calls on the Commission to ensure effective biodiversity mainstreaming and proofing across EU spending and programmes on the basis of the EU Taxonomy and the ‘do no significant harm’ principle; insists that the EU Taxonomy recognises that the use of cereals, palm oil and kernels and soy for animal feed is not sustainable; calls on the Commission to provide a comprehensive assessment of how the EUR 20 billion per year needed for nature could be mobilised, to make corresponding proposals for the Union’s annual budget and to examine the need for a dedicated funding instrument for TEN-N; considers that efforts should be made to reach 10 % annual spending on biodiversity under the multiannual financial framework (MFF) as soon as possible from 2021 onwards;

Amendment 27
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23

Motion for a resolution

23. Calls on the Commission to provide an assessment of all subsidies harmful to the environment with a view to their phasing out by 2030 at the latest; reiterates its calls for the reorientation of taxation systems towards an increased use of environmental taxation;


23. Deeply regrets the failure to achieve the commitment under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 14.6) of phasing out harmful fisheries subsidies by 2020,
calls on the Commission and Member States to provide an assessment of all subsidies harmful to the environment or the welfare of animals, including subsidies relating to fisheries and animal agricultural production, with a view to their complete phasing out as soon as possible and by 2025 at the latest, notably including the EU funding for promotion of animal products; reiterates its calls to reorient public and private financial incentives (including taxation systems) towards biodiversity-positive investments, and an increased use of environmental taxation;

Amendment 28

Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 23 a (new)


23 a. Stresses the need to end fuel subsidies and other direct and indirect subsidies that worsen CO2emissions, contradict our energy transition and perpetuate overfishing and overcapacity of the fishing fleet;

Amendment 29
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27 a (new)


27 a. encourages the EU and the Member States to promote the recognition of ecocide as an international crime under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC);

Amendment 30
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 a (new)


28 a. Calls on the Commission and Member States to assist the global community in ending the commercial trade and sale of wild animals (including in live animal and “bush meat” markets);

Amendment 31
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 b (new)


28 b. Highlights that the trading and farming of wild animals amplifies risks for public health, combining critical factors for the occurrence of zoonosis; calls on the Commission and on the EU Member States to advocate a global ban on wildlife markets and on the use of wildlife in traditional medicine; urges the Commission to present legal proposals to ban the import, the trade and the keeping and consumption of wildlife in the EU, in order to reduce the risk of future zoonosis outbreaks,

Amendment 32
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 28 c (new)


28 c. Warns that trade and trafficking of wildlife is causing the suffering of animals that are totally unsuitable as pets and is putting animal and human health and biodiversity at great risk, calls on the Commission to propose a Positive List which states which animal species are suitable and safe to be kept as pets to effectively regulate the exotic pet trade in the EU and to ensure that no animals are kept as pets which can increase the risk of outbreaks of pandemics;

Amendment 33
Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29 a (new)


29 a. Urges the Commission to prioritise action to halt and reverse biodiversity and species decline in international and bilateral trade agreements and diplomatic dialogue, andin the European Union’s international aid and development programmes;

Amendment 34

Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 29 b (new)


29 b. reiterates that Member States must ensure that there is no deterioration of Natura 2000 areas and must implement conservation measures in order to maintain or restore the favourable conservation status of protected species and habitats; calls for the Nature Directives to be fully implemented in order to ensure that conservation actions that are taken are in line with the latest technical and scientific progress; calls for rapid and decisive action by the Commission to ensure full implementation by the Member States, including by the increased use of infringement procedures;

Amendment 35

Anja Hazekamp, Nikolaj Villumsen

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 12 a (new)


12 a. Underlines that it has been decided that the Habitats Directive should not be revised; calls on the Commission and Member States at all times to preserve the Habitats Directive and to implement it in full, taking as a starting point protection of the habitats of wild animals, the restoration of protected species and the protection of animal welfare;





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