Amen­dement Hazekamp: slechte leef­om­stan­dig­heden kooi­ko­nijnen leiden tot abnormaal gedrag

15 september 2016

Amendment 6

Stefan Eck, Anja Hazekamp, Estefanía Torres Martínez, Luke Ming Flanagan

Motion for a resolution
Minimum Standards for the Protection of Farm Rabbits
PE587.419 - 2016/2077(INI)

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 1

Motion for a resolution

1. Expresses its concerns that rabbits in the EU are usually reared in unenriched cages, a barren environment that only has a drinker and feeder; also notes with concern that rabbits are fed on pellets and the close confines of the battery cages do not allow rabbits to express their natural behaviour;


1. Expresses its concerns that rabbits in the EU are usually reared in unenriched cages, a barren environment that only has a drinker and feeder; also notes with concern that rabbits are fed on pellets and the close confines of the battery cages do not allow rabbits to express their natural behaviour, leading to abnormal behaviour, such as over grooming and repetitive gnawing or nibbling of the cage;




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