Amen­dement Hazekamp: respecteer de uitslag van het Neder­landse refe­rendum over het asso­ci­a­tie­verdrag tussen de EU en Oekraïne

20 januari 2016

Amendment 17
Anja Hazekamp, Helmut Scholz, Jiri Mastalka

on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group

Joint motion for a resolution

on the Association Agreements / Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

Joint motion for a resolution
Paragraph 44

Joint motion for a resolution

44. Expresses deep concern about the
context surrounding the upcoming Dutch
consultative referendum on the EUUkraine
AA/DCFTA; trusts that the
decision of the Dutch people will be taken
on the basis of the merits of the
agreement, recognising the tangible
effects it has on the EU and the
Netherlands in particular;


44. Insists that the result of the
Dutch referendum on the EU-Ukraine
association agreement has to be fully
respected; calls on the European
Commission to take adequate measures in
line with the result of the referendum
including an immediate suspension of the
association agreement if the majority in
the Dutch referendum says no.




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