Bijdrage welzijns­com­missie over de volks­ge­zondheid in de 10e zittings­pe­riode van het Europees Parlement

9 september 2024

Anja Hazekamp (PvdD):

Chair, Colleagues,

Let me start by saying that this is the first time for me after being an MEP for many years that there is an exchange of views without someone from the European Commission or other European institution present. So, let’s hope that the next time we invite representation from the Commission or another European institution in the future.

Our main concern at this time is the attempt to transform SANT into a standing committee rather than keeping it as a sub-committee of ENVI.

I would like to remind you in this regard of the critical importance of the One Health and One Welfare approach.

This approach is a holistic framework, emphasising the need for collaboration among various sectors and aiming to create measures that promote animal welfare, safeguard public health, and protect our ecosystems.

The One Health and One Welfare approach recognises and acts upon the interconnectedness of human health and wellbeing, animal health and welfare, and environmental health.

In other words, we can only reach our health objectives if also the environment is a healthy one, and if the health of animals is preserved.

Removing SANT from ENVI would be a crucial mistake, one that serves no one’s interest except that of Big Pharma. This house already has taken its fair share of lobbying from the powerful chemical industry and the intensive animal agriculture, serving only their interests, at the expense of humans, animals and the environment.

We should NOT allow this. Instead, we should remember that we are here to represent millions of EU citizens. If we truly want to tackle current and future health challenges, it is absolutely necessary to keep SANT as an integral part of ENVI and definitely NOT transform it into a standing committee.

Let me give you two examples that clearly illustrate the importance of the One Health and One Welfare approach.

First: Pollutants, such as toxic chemicals and pesticides, seep into our air, water, food and soil. They do not only harm the environment, but also humans and animals. These pollutants return to us through the air we breathe and through our food chain, both affecting our health. So, if we want to tackle health issues caused by pollutants, we need to prioritise measures to guarantee a toxic-free environment. Therefore, these topics should remain firmly rooted in ENVI.

Another example. One of the major health threats today are zoonoses, which are infectious diseases that jump from animals to humans and vice versa. For instance: COVID, SARS, Mpox, and Asian influenza. Intensive animal agriculture, with its high density of animals and the same geno type and often unsanitary conditions, serves as a breeding ground for these pathogens. The rise of zoonotic diseases, exacerbated by the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and chemicals, poses a major threat to global health security.

My point is, an environment free of pollutants, toxins and pathogens, is not a luxury, it is a necessity for sustaining health both for ourselves and for future generations.

We should advocate for and implement the One Health and One Welfare approach, ensuring a healthier planet and a safer future. This is the only way we can combat the environment where both humans and animals can live happy and healthy lives and where people, animals and nature can thrive in harmony.

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