Bijdrage tijdens de hoorzitting over het Europees burgerinitiatief 'Save Bees and Farmers'
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Many thanks to you all as organizers and panelists, and also a huge thank you to the engagement of all the citizens who have signed this citizen’s initiative, over 1.1 million! [1.161.254 signatures]
I have a question to both of you. You’ve rightly called for a reduction of pesticide use of 80% by 2030, and, importantly, an entire phase-out of chemicals by 2035. As you know, the Commission has only proposed 50% by 2030, and even that much lower ambition is under attack by the vested interest who make billions selling their chemical toxins. What do you think about these attacks, and what would you like to say to all of those who say that the food security can only be realized by using synthetic pesticides?
And finally, how important is it in your opinion to indeed set a firm and binding goal to achieve a pesticide-free agriculture?
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much. Indeed, we’ve known for a while now that as soon as agriculture further intensifies, that the biodiversity reduces by at least 50%. Insects, invertebrates, farm land birds, whole ecosystems disappear because of the heavy use of pesticides. Professor Geissen, you have proposed earlier to have pesticide norms for soils, do you think these should be part of the new soil legislative framework that we are expecting this year?
And to both panelists, what can we integrate in the Sustainable Use regulation to achieve the goal of a healthy agriculture?
And finally, how could we already work towards a new CAP reform to support the just, agro-ecological transition?
Thank you very much.
I’d like to ask how you think that the aim of supporting small-scale farmers is to be achieved in the light of the free-trade agenda of this Commission?
You’ve also mentioned the need for independent training for farmers, how can and should we address this also in the education that young farmers are receiving?
I fear that vested interest and conservative forces have a very strong grasp on what young farmers are learning. Related to this, how do you see the funding of University research by companies such as Bayer and BASF?
Thanks a lot.
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