Bijdrage plenaire vergadering over het landbouwgif glyfosaat
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD):
The Commission's proposal to allow Glyphosate for another 10 years is a disgrace – and it is illegal. It is clearly not in accordance with our own safety criteria of our own laws. It is not in line with the science.
Already in October 2017 this Parliament called on the Commission to ban glyphosate no later than 15 December 2022.
Glyphosate is ruining our health and the health of animals. It is polluting our environment, soils and water sources.
We don't need another resolution.
We don't need a phase out - as proposed by The Greens.
We need to ban glyphosate now!
Therefore, I would like to make a counter-proposal.
I ask for a debate without resolution. I propose as title of the debate "The need for an immediate ban on glyphosate".
I would like to ask the chair to ensure two separate votes on the requests made by other groups: one on the request to add a debate and one on the request to add a resolution.
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