Bijdrage plenaire verga­dering om een resolutie over de dieren­wel­zijns­stra­tegie 2016-2020 te agenderen

23 november 2015

Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Mr President, under Rule 152 of the Rules of Procedure, I urge Parliament to close the debate on Oral Question O—000141/2015 on a new animal welfare strategy for 2016–2020 with a resolution.

The current animal welfare strategy ends on 31 December and the Commission shows no sign of coming forward with a new strategy. This is unacceptable. There are many issues concerning animal welfare in the European Union which should be addressed, and we want the Commission to come forward with a clear roadmap to do that.

Also, on behalf of my colleague, Stefan Eck, I ask for your support to add this resolution to close the debate. If you think animals matter, this is the time to show it.

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