Bijdrage mili­eu­com­missie over het bezwaar tegen het verbod op loden geweer­schoten in water­ge­bieden

29 oktober 2020

Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Thank you Bas,

It is not often that I can name my country the Netherlands as a good example, but we have a ban on most uses of toxic lead gunshots in place for over 25 years. Sadly not all countries have banned this archaic and devastating use of a non-threshold poison, and it is high time they did so. I welcome this first step to ensure that at least the vulnerable wetlands will no longer be exposed to these toxic substances and that we will prevent lead from further penetrating these precious ecosystems.

But indeed it is just the first step we need to take. It is very clear that we need to get rid of lead in all applications and uses, including all gunshots, in the entire European Union. I’m curious to hear the timeline that the Commission foresees and I’d like to encourage some more ambition on this point. I also worry that the buffer zone of 100 meters is not enough as those gunshots can easily reach 250 meters.

It is very clear that the guns lobby is fiercely resisting these much needed changes. Despite their commitments to phase out the use of lead gunshots in the vulnerable wetlands already since 2009, more than 10 years later they are still trying to keep the status quo of the toxic ages. Dear colleagues, we cannot give in to their bullying and false arguments. I urge everyone to support this small step towards a non-toxic environment.

Thank you.

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