Bijdrage milieucommissie over een bezwaar op grond van artikel 112 van het Reglement: de goedkeuring van de werkzame stof carbendazim voor gebruik als biocide
Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Thank you Pascal,
A little while ago we have received and debated the Chemical Strategy for Sustainability. This important part of the Green deal sets out the steps we need to take to achieve a toxic-free environment, to ensure that chemicals are produced and used in a way that maximises their contribution to society while avoiding harm to the planet and to current and future generations. The Strategy foresees that the most harmful chemicals are avoided for non-essential societal use, and that all industrial chemicals are more safely and sustainably used.
These are all very important, much needed and very welcome ambitions. And that makes it so bizarre that we are today discussing the authorisation of a very toxic substance, carbendazim, as this particular substance is classified as mutagenic category 1B and toxic to reproduction category 1B. In other words, this is precisely the sort of chemical we should be banning and not authorising!
This authorisation will lead to unacceptable consequences for the environment and for human health. In the middle of a pandemic we really should know better. This is why I support this objection, and I hope that we can count on the support of a large majority in this house. The Commission needs to live up to its own ambitions and really work on a toxic-free environment for all.
Thank you.
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