Amen­de­menten Hazekamp over de imple­men­tatie en levering van de Duurzame Ontwik­ke­lings­doel­stel­lingen met het oog op het High-Level Political Forum van 2025

24 maart 2025

Amendment        1
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Citation 30 a (new)

Motion for a resolution 


–    having regard to Article 13 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,
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Amendment        2
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Citation 46

Motion for a resolution

–    having regard to the World Health Organization (WHO) One Health Initiative,   

   –    having regard to the World Health Organization (WHO) One Health Initiative, and the One Health Joint Action Plan (2022-2026) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Health Organization (WHO),
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Amendment        3
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 5 a (new)

Motion for a resolution    

    5 a.    Reaffirms its commitment to the One Health, One Welfare approach in all policies;
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Amendment        4
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 a (new)

Motion for a resolution    

    6 a.    Recognises that protecting and improving the welfare of animals contributes to the realisation of many of the goals and targets in the 2030 agenda;
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Amendment        5
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution

Paragraph 6 b (new)

Motion for a resolution   

    6 b.    Stresses the urgent need for reducing the risks from emerging and re-emerging zoonotic epidemics and pandemics, and for curbing the silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance;
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Amendment        6
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 6 c (new)

Motion for a resolution    

    6 c.    Stresses the need for a swift and global ban on the most hazardous chemicals, including endocrine disruptors and the forever chemicals PFAS;
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Amendment        7
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7

Motion for a resolution   

7.    Calls for enhanced coordinated action and substantial investment to achieve universal health coverage, strengthen health systems, ensure equitable access to medicines and vaccines, promote disease prevention and treatment, tackle aggravating environmental factors and address disparities in access to quality care and services, especially for vulnerable populations and regions;  

  7.    Calls for enhanced coordinated action and substantial investment to achieve universal health coverage, strengthen health systems, ensure equitable access to medicines and vaccines, promote disease prevention and treatment, tackle aggravating environmental factors and address disparities in access to quality care and services, especially for vulnerable populations and regions, stresses the need to guarantee the right to choose between analogue and digital form of communication;
Or. en


Amendment        8
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 7 a (new)

Motion for a resolution    

    7 a.    Underlines the health benefits of a more plant-based diet for humans, animals and the environment;
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Amendment        9
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 11 a (new)

Motion for a resolution  

    11 a.    Stresses that gender equality objectives and LGBTIQ+ rights must also play an important role in relations with third countries;
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Amendment        10
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 17

Motion for a resolution 

17.    Stresses the alarming trends of marine pollution, coastal eutrophication, ocean acidification, rising temperatures, declining fish stocks and habitat destruction, which threaten marine ecosystems and coastal communities and hinder the achievement of SDG 14 targets;    

   17.    Stresses the alarming trends of marine pollution, coastal eutrophication, ocean acidification, rising temperatures, overfishing and bycatch, declining marine biodiversity including targeted fish stocks, underwater noise and habitat destruction, which individually but above all cumulatively threaten marine ecosystems and coastal communities and hinder the achievement of SDG 14 targets;
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Amendment        11
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 18

Motion for a resolution    

18.    Regrets the lack of actual progress and, in some cases, the worsening outlook in meeting SDG 14 targets; considers that the marginal or moderate progress and the high levels of stagnation and regression mean that global action is far from the speed and scale required to meet SDG14 targets on time;    

18.    Regrets the lack of actual progress and, in some cases, the worsening outlook in meeting SDG 14 targets through the lack of effective measures alongside increasing economic pressures; considers that the marginal or moderate progress and the high levels of stagnation and regression mean that global action is far from the speed and scale required to meet SDG14 targets on time;
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Amendment        12
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 19

Motion for a resolution    

19.    Believes that binding global measures are urgently needed to address shortcomings, accelerate action and ensure the long-term sustainability of the oceans, including through sustainable fishing practices, combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, enhancing marine conservation efforts and adopting a global treaty on plastic pollution;    

19.    Believes that binding global measures are urgently needed to address shortcomings, accelerate action and ensure the long-term health of the oceans, also and especially under changing climate conditions, including through sustainable fishing and shipping practices, combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, strengthening transparency in the seafood sector, enhancing marine conservation and restoration efforts and adopting a binding global treaty on plastic pollution;
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Amendment        13
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 26 a (new)

Motion for a resolution    

    26 a.    Recognises the need to establish an additional SDG committed to the rights and welfare of animals, as this is not yet covered by the current 17 SDGs, but has fundamental impact on ethics, (One) health, biodiversity and climate;
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Amendment        14
Sebastian Everding, Anja Hazekamp, Emma Fourreau, Catarina Martins

Motion for a resolution
Paragraph 27

Motion for a resolution    

27.    Highlights the opportunity that the SDGs provide to establish a true well-being economy which is centred on people and fully respects planetary boundaries, and to work towards a sustainable world beyond 2030;    

27.    Highlights the opportunity that the SDGs provide to establish a true well-being economy which is centred on people, respects and promotes the rights and welfare of animals and fully respects planetary boundaries, and to work towards a sustainable world beyond 2030;
Or. en





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