Amendement Hazekamp: pijn en stress bij vissen door visserij met drijfnetten
Renata Briano
Prohibition on driftnet fisheries
Proposal for a regulation
COM(2014)0265 - C8-0007/2014 – 2014/0138(COD)
Amendment 1
Anja Hazekamp
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 7
Text proposed by the Commission
(7) The conservation objectives, regarding incidental mortality of protected species, pursued by the abovementioned Union rules on driftnets are still valid and should be strengthened.
(7) The conservation objectives, regarding incidental mortality of protected species including, in particular, cetaceans, sea turtles, sharks and sea birds, which lead to international concerns about the environmental impacts of driftnets, pursued by the abovementioned Union rules on driftnets are still valid and should be strengthened. Driftnets are also a major concern in terms of fish welfare. Fish experience substantial pain and stress when tangled in these nets. They can cause body damage and stress for many hours or days.
Fish are sentient animals. It is scientifically proven that fish experience stress and pain like mammals. Considering that large numbers of fish are captured and killed for food it is morally important to include fish welfare in discussion about fisheries and catch methods.
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