Amen­dement Hazekamp: handel in zeehon­den­pro­ducten (9)

7 mei 2015

Janusz Wojciechowski
Trade in seal products

Proposal for a regulation
COM(2015)0045 - C8-0037/2015 – 2015/0028(COD)

Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development

Amendment 9
Anja Hazekamp, Stefan Eck

Proposal for a regulation
Article 1 – paragraph 1 – point 1

Regulation (EC) No 1007/2009
Article 3 – paragraph 2

Text proposed by the Commission

2. The import of seal products shall also be allowed where it is of an occasional nature and consists exclusively of goods for the personal use of travellers or their families. The nature and quantity of such goods shall not be such as to indicate that they are being imported for commercial reasons.




There should be no exception to the EU seal regime; the prohibition should apply to all natural and legal persons equally.




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