Amendement Hazekamp: handel in zeehondenproducten (3)
Janusz Wojciechowski
Trade in seal products
Proposal for a regulation
COM(2015)0045 - C8-0037/2015 – 2015/0028(COD)
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Amendment 3
Anja Hazekamp, Stefan Eck
Proposal for a regulation
Recital 3
Text proposed by the Commission
(3) A genuinely humane killing method cannot be effectively and consistently applied in the hunts conducted by the Inuit and other indigenous communities, just like in the other seal hunts. Nonetheless, it is appropriate, in light of the objective pursued by Regulation (EC) No 1007/2009, to make the placing in the Union market of products resulting from hunts by the Inuit and other indigenous communities conditional upon those hunts being conducted in a manner which reduces pain, distress, fear or other forms of suffering of the animals hunted to the extent possible, while having regard to the traditional way of life and the subsistence needs of the Inuit and other indigenous communities. The exception granted in respect of seal products resulting from hunts conducted by Inuit and other indigenous communities should be limited to hunts that contribute to the subsistence need of those communities and are therefore not conducted primarily for commercial purposes. Thus, the Commission should be enabled to limit, if necessary, the quantity of seal products placed on the market under that exception in order to prevent the use of the exception by products resulting from hunts which are conducted primarily for commercial purposes.
(3) A genuinely humane killing method cannot be effectively and consistently applied in the hunts conducted by the Inuit and other indigenous communities, just like in the other seal hunts. Therefore it is appropriate, in light of the objective pursued by Regulation (EC) No 1007/2009, to prohibit the placing in the Union market of products resulting from hunts by the Inuit and other indigenous communities.
There should be no exception to the EU seal regime; the prohibition should apply to all natural and legal persons equally. This makes the legislation WTO-compliant and represents the animal welfare concerns in the best possible way.
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Amendement Hazekamp: handel in zeehondenproducten (4)
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