Amen­dement Hazekamp: EU-strategie voor de Adri­a­tische en Ionische regio (11)

17 juni 2015

Norica Nicolai
on an EU strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian region

Draft opinion
PE552.090v02-00 - 2014/2214(INI)

Committee on Fisheries

Amendment 51
Anja Hazekamp

Draft opinion
Paragraph 4 a (new)


4a. Calls on the Commission to restrict fisheries activities until sufficient exact data is available;




18, Onthouding:2

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Amendement Hazekamp: EU-strategie voor de Adriatische en Ionische regio (12)

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Amendement Hazekamp: EU-strategie voor de Adriatische en Ionische regio (10)

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