Amendement Hazekamp/Eck: voorstel ter vermindering van de nationale emissies van bepaalde luchtverontreinigende stoffen (11)
Jan Huitema
Reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants and amending Directive 2003/35/EC
Proposal for a directive
COM(2013)0920 - C7-0004/2014 – 2013/0443(COD)
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Amendment 11
Anja Hazekamp, Stefan Eck
Proposal for a directive
Annex 3 – section 1 – title
Text proposed by the Commission
Measures which may be included in the National Air Pollution Control Programme
Measures which shall be included in the National Air Pollution Control Programme
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Amendement Hazekamp/Eck: voorstel ter vermindering van de nationale emissies van bepaalde luchtverontreinigende stoffen (12)
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