Amen­dement Hazekamp: aanbe­ve­lingen aan de Europese Commissie voor de onder­han­de­lingen over TTIP (PETI/11)

25 maart 2015

Jarosław Wałęsa
Recommendations to the European Commission on the negotiations for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Draft opinion

Committee on Petitions

Amendment 38

Marina Albiol Guzmán, Anja Hazekamp
on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group
Ángela Vallina

Draft opinion
Recital D e (new)

Draft opinion


D e. Whereas not all MEPs have the right to access the reading rooms where some of the documents included in the negotiations can be read; and the conditions imposed on those who can access them make a meaningful consultation pracically impossible,





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