Bijdrage mili­eu­com­missie over de Nieuwe EU-bosstra­tegie voor 2030

'Haal bosbi­o­massa uit de RED'

27 oktober 2021

Anja Hazekamp (PvdD): Dear Commissioners, forests play a crucial role in combatting climate change. However, the new Forest Strategy for 2030 considers woody biomass as a source for renewable energy and claims it will help reduce CO2 emissions.

Yet, it is incredibly clear that cutting trees actually removes carbon sinks and the subsequent burning of wood emits CO2. Furthermore, this practice causes huge biodiversity losses, because of all the clear-cuts we see all over Europe. This is the opposite of what our planet needs. Moreover, it takes decades for a replanted forest to capture as much CO2 as the original forest did, which is time we simply do not have.

When will the Commission realise how harmful it is to our planet to continue using forests as a source of energy? Are you willing to change the Renewable Energy Directive accordingly, as the European Parliament already requested in the Biodiversity Strategy.

Thank you.

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